Friday, February 10, 2012

Encouraging One Another

Speak encouraging words to one another.  Build up hope so you'll all be together in this, no one left out, no one left behind.  I know you're already doing this; just keep on doing it.
1 Thessalonians 5:11 MSG

In the spring, geese instinctively fly in a V-shaped formation when they travel north.  The flock all work together in unison.  As each bird flaps its wings, it reduces the wind resistance on the bird behind it.  Thus, each goose cuts an easier path for the one following it.  This allows the geese to cover a greater distance that if each bird flew on its own.  Some fly as far north as the Arctic Circle, and some as far south as Mexico.  Amazingly, they can soar as high as twenty-nine thousand feet!
     Interestingly, when the lead goose becomes weary, it drops back in the formation and allows another goose to fly point.  The geese at the back of the formation honk to encourage those in front of them to keep going.  The geese stay in their perfect V-shaped formation, and not one goose is left behind.
     Just as God prepares geese for their migration, He also takes care of His people as they journey through life here on earth.  He never intended for us to "go it alone."  Through His grace we find comfort and strength, and He often uses others to love and encourage us.  Since He cannot be seen, often His light shines best through people-through their caring, their listening, and their understanding.
     Try coming alongside and "honking" to encourage someone who is feeling the weary from experiencing downdrafts, drop back in formation for a while to receive encouragement from God.  Call on a friend, so you can gain the strength to keep going.
Barb's Note:
Sometimes it is hard to understand that God is here with us everyday to give us the strength and encouragement we need.  Then I read this and I am reminded that my family and friends are just a phone call away and God will give me what I need through them, how great is that?!  I love knowing God can hug us, wipe a tear, give us a smile to brighten our day, make us brownies or bring us flowers just because, and even laugh with us until we want to cry don't you?  So remember God loves you today and it comes in people you know and love!! :)  May you all be blessed today.

A friend is one to whom one may pour out all the contents of one's heart, chaff and grain together, knowing that the gentlest of hands will take and sift it, keep what is worth keeping and with a breath of kindness blows the rest away.
Arabian Proverb

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