Friday, February 10, 2012

New Beginnings

January, the month of new beginnings, new dreams, new goals, and new ideas. A time to look forward to the year ahead and the journey within.

I know that I am way behind on my New Year's Resolution post but our computer had to be brought in for repair and it took over two weeks and then I got a bad cold that put me on the couch! Not a good way to start the new year but hey.... life happens.  It will not define my whole year because of it.  So now that I am feeling much better I am going to do the post I had intended three weeks ago.

Over the holiday I had family come to visit for a few days and as we were showing them around we went into one of my favorite shops called The Pairs Market.  I love this shop because you never know what it will look like the next time you visit.  So fun and interesting.

They had this display area downstairs and I absolutely loved it.  It was so neat to read what other peoples resolutions were going to be.

They revealed their inner most thoughts for the world to see. 

Take some time and find a nice quiet place for yourself with pen and paper in hand and write down your dreams and goals for the future. 

What are your hopes for the future as you reflect on the past year? 

 What is that one most pressing thing that doesn't seem to leave your thoughts from year to year?

These are your most treasured ideas and dreams.....

...things that you know deep down in your heart you want to do...


Focus on those and then write them down and begin to see them happening.

You already possess all the inner wisdom, strength, and creativity needed to make your dreams come true.

Just believe in yourself and find little ways that you can move forward on those resolutions...... just need to start and that will be enough.  And if after February you find yourself not focusing on that January's resolution anymore, don't say "I failed" because you can't you have the whole year to complete what you set out to do.  Its okay.....really. 

Just begin again and you are right where you want to be.  Motivated, looking straight ahead, and conquering your hopes and dreams. 

what if you knew that a year from today you could be living the most creative, joyous, and fulfilling life you could imagine?  What would it be? What changes would you make?  How and where would you begin?

Well, today is that day, it is your turn, step up to the plate take a card and begin the life of your dreams.  Go ahead you can do it.

barbara lynn

Often people attempt to live their lives backwards: they try to have more things, or more money, in order to do more of what they want so that they will be happier.  The way it actually works is the reverse.  You must first be who you really are, then, do what you need to do, in order to have what you want.
author: Margaret Young

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